Vampire V20
I created content for Vampire the Masquerade, an American city with its vampires and some scenarios in town. (In French (FR) & English (EN))
Philadelphia by Night

A pdf of 44 pages and 1.60 Mo.
Kindreds of Philadelphia
A description of the vampires of the city of the Camarilla with the first of them Princess Ann. (by clan)
Philadelphia Places of interest
A brief description of where vampires hang out in town.
Northeast America
A simple description of the cities of the Camarilla of the northeastern United States.
The Sabbat
A description of the elements and plans of the Sabbat in town.
Inquisition/Hunters, The Mages, Camarilla Justicars
A description of forces at work in the city.
NPCs Creation
Concepts of non-player characters and backgrounds from the rules.
Kindred Bloodlines
A general description of vampiric bloodlines because it's really missing for the game in general.
Philadelphia Chronicle

A pdf of 32 pages and 887 KB.
PCs & Backgrounds
Basically I wrote the stories for a 100 year old, 7th generation character with 15 discipline points, hence the presentation of 7 potential sires (one per clan). With the idea that what matters is why the sire created a new vampire and for what purpose. Of course, the gamemaster can form a group of 3 or 4 less powerful young vampires for his own campaign.
The Prince Neonate Party 88
Introductory scenario to the chronicle whose action takes place in 1988.
Charlie's Killer (Story)
An investigation into a Sabbat murder in town.
Osiris Blood (Story)
A trap set by the Methuselah Ventrue Nefer Meri Isis for Kemintri using the (true) blood of Osiris and the University of Upenn while manipulating an Alastor of the Camarilla.
The Serpent's Tail (Story)
The replacement of the Setites of Philadelphia by the Sabbat and a request for an inquiry from Egypt.
The Paladin's Track (Story)
A Sabbat paladin investigates Sabbat infernalists in Philadelphia as they search for an artifact from before history.
Hot Zone (Story)
A story of virus instilled by the Sabbat.
Interview with the Vampire (Story)
A Sabbat duo tackles the first tradition, the masquerade.
Noddist Affair, City Visitors, Autarkis, Protect and Serve
Different NPCs that can intervene in the different stories.
Father Dominic/Lerterimas
Brother Dominique is also Lerterimas the most powerful Methuselah in the Philadelphia area, in torpor he watches over the city and these vampires and acts in the direction of the Camarilla. If the Sabbat attacks the city it is under the impulse among others of his daughter Louhi who wishes its discovery and destruction. The chronicle is also a Jihad between Lerterimas and Louhi, a battle between two Methuselahs.