Campaign - Blood and Roses
Here you can find the different documents and scenarios for this Pathfinder 1 campaign.
Introducing the Blood and Roses Campaign
Here is a document to present the campaign to players with a presentation of the Nirmathas region extracted from the pathfinder-fr.org site, house rules and a map of the northwest Nirmathas region. (5 pages & 278 Ko, in French only)
Blood and Roses Campaign scenarios (in french only)
BR Nirmathas
A 980kB and 44-page pdf presenting the region of Skelt where the action takes place, non-player characters, families of potential characters, special backgrounds, merchants, and also the masters or teachers who trained the characters.
BR S1 Forty Bandits
A pdf of 332kb and 11 pages, first scenario level 1-3.
N1 Fey Rock
A pdf of 337kb and 11 pages, first level 4 intermediate scenario.
BR S2 Silver Gray
A pdf of 883kb and 35 pages, second scenario level 4-7.
N2 Mystic Fall
A pdf of 561kb and 14 pages, second intermediate scenario level 6-8.
BR S3 The Menace Below
A pdf of 1.79MB and 43 pages, third scenario level 7-10.
BR S4 Blood & Fire
A pdf of 1.7MB and 61 pages, fourth scenario level 10-13.
Maps of the region, of Nirmathas, of Nirmathas northwest in a zip with all the maps of the different scenarios including the global map of Nirmathas (multi layer) with the underground passages.