The Rainbow Llama Clan

RQG * The Rainbow Llama Clan (Game Aid)
A game aid presenting the Praxian culture and the Desolation in Glorantha (translation of the Glorantha Guides) as well as a Praxian Clan of the Desolation, the Rainbow Llamas, Click the PDF icon to open the document. (20 pages, 256 KB, in French only)
RQG * Arman's initiation (Scenario)
A Scenario for 1 to 6 players who will play young Praxians aged 14 from the Rainbow Lama Clan who during the Sacred Time will undergo initiation into adulthood in their Clan.
The initiation will consist of meeting certain characters of the Clan who will tell them about their gods, their great spirits and how to behave while passing some tests.
They will discover which Runes inhabit them through their behavior and will have to choose which cult to join in the future...
Click the PDF icon to open the document. (11 pages, 267 KB, in French only)